
Hotel w Trójmieście - kontakt



+48 58 667 77 77


Hotel Nadmorski
81-409 Gdynia
St. Ejsmonda 2
NIP: 586-001-12-53

GPS: 54°30'18"N 18°33'15"E
Advantages of the location of our Hotel »

Genesis Instytut


“HADEX” SA entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs by the Gdańsk-Północ District Court in Gdańsk, 8th Commercial Division of the National Court Register under no. 0000098882, tax ID no. (NIP): 586-001-12-53; share capital, paid in full: PLN 1,669,500.00.

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I agree to receive a response to my inquiry as commercial information about the Nadmorski Hotel’s services in an electronic way to my e-mail address.
I agree that the Nadmorski Hotel will use telecommunications end devices I am a user of to handle my inquiry and for the purpose of the Nadmorski Hotel’s direct marketing.