
Hotel w Trójmieście - kontakt



+48 58 667 77 77



+48 58 667 52 88 
+48 660 784 507


Hotel Nadmorski
81-409 Gdynia
ul. Ejsmonda 2
NIP: 586-001-12-53

GPS: 54°30'18"N 18°33'15"E
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Institut Genesis


"HADEX" Aktiengesellschaft nach polnischem Recht, eingetragen ins Landesgerichtsregister unter der Nr. 0000098882 durch das Amtsgericht Danzig-Nord in Danzig, 8. Wirtschaftsabteilung des Landesgerichtsregisters, St.-Nr.: 586-001-12-53, Grundkapital: 1.669.500,00 PLN.

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* I agree that my personal data I have given voluntarily in the form will be used by the Nadmorski Hotel for the purpose of my notification in accordance with personal data protection regulations. The data are given voluntarily, but they are necessary to process your inquiry.
I agree to receive a response to my inquiry as commercial information about the Nadmorski Hotel’s services in an electronic way to my e-mail address.
I agree that the Nadmorski Hotel will use telecommunications end devices I am a user of to handle my inquiry and for the purpose of the Nadmorski Hotel’s direct marketing.